Thursday, June 9, 2011

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  • sbmallik
    05-29 10:15 AM
    Actually, if you work for a Canadian company the time spent outside Canada will count as if you were in Canada. So, you will still be able to meet the 2/5 requirement. But you need to check what are the conditions, I know that you can't just create your own company and stay there for example. Check the requirements.

    On the US side, what visa will you be working on ? H1B ? If you like to stay in US, why not gained Canadian citizenship and work on TN, which is 3 years now (maybe more in the future) and very easy ?

    Wrong, time spent outside Canada while working for a Canadian company does not automatically counts for PR maintenance (2/5 years). That's for some exception situation like serving in the military etc.

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  • whitecollarslave
    01-28 04:32 PM
    The misconception that immigrants are displacing American workers is gaining popularity. If we are to make a case for immigration reform that helps EB community, we ought to show that EB immigrants are not displacing American workers, but helping the overall economy. In the midst of current economic situation and growing public sentiment against immigrants, paying taxes, obeying laws and assimilating with American society and culture is not enough. It is important to stress the obvious - how individuals from EB community are contributing towards the economy, innovation and competitiveness. In order to illustrate this, I would like to get examples of people from EB community.

    The people mentioned in the earlier replies do not help this argument. I am looking for examples such as the founder of orkut - who is an EB immigrant, once on H1-B visa.

    Thanks again.

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  • acruix
    06-19 12:58 PM
    I would like to know if the processing of AOS application is based on first come first processed or is it based on the priority dates ?

    Please let me know.

    Thanks in advance!

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  • GCwaitforever
    10-20 04:17 PM
    Hi Blue,

    My advice is go for premium I-140 and file for I-485+EAD+AP. Advantages:

    1. Spouse will have EAD.
    2. Spouse would not need H4 renewal, which is savings to you (EAD/AP renewal is another matter).
    3. After six months, you can use AC21 provisions. Your I-140 is safe.
    4. Uncertainity of layoffs is gone and it brings piece of mind after six months.
    5. You will be starting the FBI name check along with I-485 filing. By advancing your I-485 with premium I-140 filing, you will be cutting down the time it takes to get GC.
    6. You/spouse can go for multiple jobs.


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  • dealsnet
    01-13 03:22 PM
    Just pray. Nothing can be done. If they find out, you are in trouble (cancel H1B and out). If they didn't find out, you are ok.

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  • EB-VoiceImmigration
    07-31 06:34 PM
    Great news :eek: This is what we are looking for...
    I dont know how to thank USCIS for this.


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  • Raj12
    04-30 11:45 AM
    As far as I know, H4's are allowed to do 'voluntary non-paying work' in the US and are not allowed to compete for jobs in the US. In my opinion, if you are working for an indian company and getting paid in Indian currency without hurting the US job market, it should be OK. An excellent point was made earlier about home maintenance activities and baby care activities that are also part of broader terminology of 'work' and 'job'.

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  • iptel
    01-30 02:48 PM
    Just a suggestion I think if we involve US India Polical Action Committee(USINPAC) may be our effort to reach the law maker will be easier.

    Members of the U.S. Senate India Caucus are as follows -

    Senator Cornyn (R - TX) � Republican Co-Chair
    Senator Clinton (D - NY) � Democratic Co-Chair
    Senator Hutchison (R - TX)
    Senator Lott (R - MS)
    Senator Lautenberg (D - NJ)
    Senator Santorum (R - PA)
    Senator Lieberman (D - CT)
    Senator Specter (R - PA)
    Senator Daschle (D - SD)
    Senator Stabenow (D - MI)
    Senator Bingaman (D - NM)
    Senator Cochran (R - MS)
    Senator Frist (R - TN)
    Senator Corzine (D - NJ)
    Senator L. Graham (R - SC)
    Senator Schumer (D - NY)
    Senator Wyden (D - OR)
    Senator Coleman (R - MN)
    Senator Chambliss (R - GA)
    Senator Bayh (D - IN)
    Senator Durbin (D - IL)
    Senator Breaux (D - LA)
    Senator Crapo (R - ID)
    Senator Levin (D - MI)
    Senator Fitzgerald (R - IL)
    Senator Grassley (R - IA)
    Senator Bennett (R - UT)
    Senator Boxer (D - CA)
    Senator Nickles (R - OK)
    Senator Stevens (R - AK)
    Senator Mikulski (D - MD)
    Senator Rockefeller (D - WV)
    Senator Landrieu (D - LA)
    Senator Hatch (R - UT)
    Senator Maria Cantwell (D-WA)

    Members of Congressional India Caucus

    108th Congress elected in November 2002
    List updated as of June 18, 2004

    112 Democrats, 74 Republicans, Total 186

    Congressman Crowley (D-NY) - Democratic Co-Chair
    Congressman Wilson, Joe (R-SC) - Republican Co-Chairman
    Congressman Abercrombie (D- HI)
    Congressman Ackerman (D-NY)
    Congressman Andrews (D-NJ)
    Congressman Baca (D- CA )
    Congressman Baird (D- WA)
    Congressman Barrett, J. Gresham (R-SC )
    Congressman Beauprez (R-CO)
    Congressman Becerra (D-CA)
    Congressman Bell (D-TX)
    Congresswoman Berkley (D-NV)
    Congressman Berman (D-CA)
    Congresswoman Biggert (R-IL)
    Congressman Bilirakis (R-FL)
    Congressman Bishop, Rob (R-UT)
    Congressman Blumenauer ( D-OR)
    Congressman Boucher (D-VA)
    Congressman Brady, Kevin (R-TX)
    Congresswoman Brown, Corrine (D-FL)
    Congresswoman Brown, Henry (R-SC)
    Congressman Brown, Sherrod (D-OH)
    Congresswoman Brown-Waite, Ginny (R-FL)
    Congressman Burgess (R-TX)
    Congressman Burns (R-GA)
    Congressman Calvert (R-CA)
    Congressman Cannon (R-UT)
    Congressman Cantor (R-VA)
    Congresswoman Capps (D-CA)
    Congressman Capuano (D-MA)
    Congressman Cardoza (D-CA)
    Congressman Carson, Brad (D-OK)
    Congressman Chabot (R-OH)
    Congressman Chandler (D- KY )
    Congressman Cooper (D-TN)
    Congressman Cox (R-CA)
    Congresswoman Cubin (R-WY)
    Congressman Davis, Danny (D-IL)
    Congressman Davis, Jim (D-FL)
    Congressman DeFazio (D-OR)
    Congressman Delahunt (D-MA)
    Congressman Deutsch (D-FL)
    Congressman DeMint (R-SC)
    Congressman Dicks (D-WA)
    Congressman Doggett (D-TX)
    Congressman Doyle (D-PA)
    Congressman Duncan (D-TN)
    Congresswoman Dunn (R-WA)
    Congressman Ehlers (R- MI)
    Congressman Engel (D-NY)
    Congressman English (R- PA )
    Congresswoman Eshoo (D-CA)
    Congressman Evans (D-IL)
    Congressman Faleomavaega (D-AS)
    Congressman Feeney (R-FL)
    Congressman Ferguson (R-NJ)
    Congressman Filner (D-CA)
    Congressman Foley (R-FL)
    Congressman Forbes (R-VA)
    Congressman Ford (D-TN)
    Congressman Frank (D-MA)
    Congressman Franks (R-AZ)
    Congressman Frost (D-TX)
    Congressman Garrett (R-NJ)
    Congressman Gephardt (D-MO)
    Congressman Gillmor (R-OH)
    Congressman Gingrey (R-GA)
    Congressman Goodlatte (R-VA)
    Congressman Gordon (D-TN)
    Congresswoman Granger (R-TX)
    Congressman Green, Gene (D-TX)
    Congressman Green, Mark (R-WI)
    Congressman Greenwood (R-PA)
    Congressman Gutierrez (D-IL)
    Congressman Harris (R-FL)
    Congressman Hastings (D-FL)
    Congressman Hayworth (R-AZ)
    Congressman Hensarling (R-TX)
    Congressman Hoeffel (D-PA)
    Congressman Holt (D-NJ)
    Congresswoman Hooley (D-OR)
    Congressman Honda (D-CA)
    Congressman Hoyer (D-MD)
    Congressman Inslee (D-WA)
    Congressman Israel (D-NY)
    Congresswoman Jackson-Lee (D-TX)
    Congresswoman Johnson, Eddie Bernice (D-TX)
    Congressman Jones (R-NC)
    Congressman Kanjorski (D-PA)
    Congresswoman Kaptur (D-OH)
    Congresswoman Kelly (R-NY)
    Congressman Kennedy, Patrick (D-RI)
    Congressman Kildee (D-MI)
    Congressman Kind (D-WI)
    Congressman King, Peter (R-NY)
    Congressman Kirk (R-IL)
    Congressman Knollenberg (R-MI)
    Congressman Kolbe (R-AZ)
    Congressman Kucinich (D-OH)
    Congressman LaHood (R-IL)
    Congressman Lampson (D-TX)
    Congressman Lantos (D-CA)
    Congressman Larsen (D-WA)
    Congressman LaTourette (R-OH)
    Congresswoman Lee, Barbara (D-CA)
    Congressman Levin (D-MI)
    Congressman Lewis, Jerry (R-CA)
    Congressman Lewis, John (D-GA)
    Congressman Linder (R-GA)
    Congressman Lobiondo (R-NJ)
    Congressman Lofgren (D-CA)
    Congresswoman Lowey (D-NY)
    Congresswoman McCarthy, Carolyn (D-NY)
    Congresswoman McCarthy, Karen (D-MO)
    Congressman McCotter (R-MI)
    Congressman McDermott (D-WA)
    Congressman McIntyre (D-NC)
    Congressman McNulty (D-NY)
    Congressman Majette (D-GA)
    Congresswoman Maloney (D-NY)
    Congressman Manzullo (R-IL)
    Congressman Matheson (D-UT)
    Congressman Meehan (D-MA)
    Congressman Meek (D-FL)
    Congressman Meeks (D-NY)
    Congressman Robert Menendez (D-NJ)
    Congresswoman Millender-McDonald (D-CA)
    Congressman Miller, Brad (D-NC)
    Congressman Miller, Gary (R-CA)
    Congresswoman Miller, Jeff (R-FL)
    Congressman Mollohan (D-WV)
    Congressman Moran, Jim (D-VA)
    Congresswoman Myrick (R-NC)
    Congresswoman Napolitano (D-CA)
    Congressman Neal (D-MA)
    Congressman Ney (R-OH)
    Congressman Pallone (D-NJ)
    Congressman Payne (D-NJ)
    Congressman Pearce (R-NM)
    Congressman Pickering (R-MS)
    Congressman Pitts (R-PA)
    Congressman Price (D-NC)
    Congresswoman Pryce (R-OH)
    Congressman Putnam (R-FL)
    Congressman Radanovich (R-CA)
    Congressman Rahall (D-WV)
    Congressman Rangel (D-NY)
    Congresswoman Ros-Lehtinen, Ileana (R-FL)
    Congressman Rothman (D-NJ)
    Congressman Royce (R-CA)
    Congressman Ryan, Tim (D-OH)
    Congresswoman Sanchez, Linda (D-CA)
    Congresswoman Sanchez, Loretta (D-CA)
    Congressman Saxton (R-NJ)
    Congresswoman Schakowsky (D-IL)
    Congressman Schiff (D-CA)
    Congressman Scott, Robert (D-VA)
    Congressman Schrock (R-VA)
    Congressmen Sessions (R-TX)
    Congressman Sherman (D-CA)
    Congressman Smith, Adam (D-WA)
    Congresswoman Solis (D-CA)
    Congressman Souder (R-IN)
    Congressman Spratt (D-SC)
    Congressman Stark (D-CA)
    Congressman Stearns (R-FL)
    Congressman Thompson, Mike (D-CA)
    Congressman Tierney (D-MA)
    Congressman Toomey (R-PA)
    Congressman Towns (D-NY)
    Congressman Turner, Michael (R-OH)
    Congressman Udall, Mark (D-CO)
    Congressman Udall, Tom (D-NM)
    Congressman Upton (R-MI)
    Congressman Van Hollen (D-MD)
    Congressman Visclosky (D-IN)
    Congressman Vitter (R-LA)
    Congressman Walsh (R-NY)
    Congresswoman Watson (D-CA)
    Congressman Watt (D-NC)
    Congressman Weiner (D-NY)
    Congressman Weldon, Dave (R-FL)
    Congressman Wexler (D-FL)
    Congressman Whitfield (R-KY)
    Congressman Wu (D-OR)


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  • snathan
    02-03 02:24 PM
    Abbe fairyangel ,

    Who the hell are you to tell to leave and all..Remeber one or the other day we have to go thru bad time. Nothing is secured in this country...For a matter of fact you may as well loose your job, andif you dont get a job in the next 180 days will you leave ?..And the answer is NO.

    Stop blady shit...and concentrate on yor work....mental Ididiot


    Mr.Matt many ids you create SOB. Why dont you concentrate on your work if you have one....

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  • rajnag21
    07-17 07:23 PM
    as I understand the process, I fyou apply and get the green card approval before marriage, you cannot bring your wife over here as it will become family based immigration.
    The ideal thing is to do it while still on h1 and then do the 485 application.

    Since you are from rest of the world ? the rules and dates will be different for you. not sure how though ? sorry !

    I look to more senior members here for better direction than the advice that I have regurgitated for you.


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  • gparr
    March 3rd, 2004, 07:28 PM
    I don't think the spiral staircase shot ever gets old. Each one has its own characteristics and the varied tones and depths always make for interesting B&W shots. I'm sure it's a rare day that an office stairwell makes a good color shot. ;) I vote that you work the shot from every angle and show us what you came up with.

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  • haeveingridseyn
    09-09 07:56 AM
    Hi Everyone..

    Thanks for providing this information . I am also searching this type of topic.
    Its really helpful to forum members and solve many problem.
    Keep it up.


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  • number30
    10-31 04:06 PM
    Hello Number30,

    For taxation purposes, you are considered just like US citizen as soon as you spend more than 180 days within US.

    You can claim all the standard tax deductions/exemptions that are available to any US citizen like EIC (irrespective of your status - on visa, in AOS, PR or citizen) if you file taxes as a resident.

    Yes I thought the same.
    I am asking this because i did a tax return for one of my friend. He got EIC. But Questionire is not asking for residency status. But was asking like Were you a U.S. citizen or resident alien for all of year?
    That year he was laid off and had very little income So he took the money.

    Hope he will not have any trouble.

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  • rick_rajvanshi
    12-07 12:06 PM
    I won't worry about this at all as they have addressed this situation few weeks back here : D&vgnextchannel=54519c7755cb9010VgnVCM10000045f3d6a1 RCRD

    Moreover , I have found it easier to get hold of IO ( call center guy quickly handovers calls to IO ) when I call them to check for status on a my AP which is not appearing on the CaseStatus web site.

    Q : I have received my receipt notice, but when I check my case online it does not appear. How do I get my case added to the system, so I can check on the progress of my case? NEW

    We have had an unprecedented number of applications filed in the last few months. Our efforts to enter these applications into our systems have caused a delay in the transfer of information from our case control system to the Case Status Online system. We are seeing delays of up to three to four weeks between receipting of your application and its status being available online. We are reviewing solutions to resolve the situation as soon as possible.


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  • admin
    01-05 08:04 AM
    The $100 was just mentioned in passing. Please contribute more if you want to get really involved in this effort.

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  • WeShallOvercome
    07-23 03:36 PM
    yellow :D

    My lawyer is not telling me the color of the envelope.
    Will my application be rejected ? :D :D :D


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  • sujith1
    07-12 03:34 PM
    Very useful - Now I have the receipt number - Let us see if its 2 yr or 1

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  • jsb
    04-16 03:59 PM
    Here's our situation:

    Both of our GC applications were filed in EB3 categories, by our individual employers, independent of each other.

    My priority date is Apr 2002. My 140 is approved and 485 was filed in 2007 and is currently pending.

    My husband's 140 is also approved and 485 was filed back in 2005. His priority date is Sep 2003.

    Is there any way now to link both our applications, so he can take advantage of my earlier priority date without him having to withdraw his 485 application?

    Attorneys might have an answer based on their past experience. I believe it might be best to act by calling USCIS as soon as your PD gets Current. Note that they don't see files in sequence of PD's. They see them in sequence of filing. As your husband has filed earlier, it is possible that his file is seen first. Anyway, best seems to call USCIS as soon as your PD is current, and let them deal with it. It may not require withdrawing of 485, as it is just a case of reclassification from EB3 to EB3-Dependant.


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  • rajivkumarverma
    10-16 07:18 PM
    Sorry to hear about ur denail .I've been through this .Unfortunately u cant fime MTR bacause it has to be within 30 to 33 days of denail depending how u get ur denail notice .U can file an apeal but that will take more time then filing a new 140 and getting spproval .I dont know if u can use old labour .If u can use old labout then better to file new 140 with approved labour .If u cant use old labout then apeal may be batter becaue more n more labours are goin to audit and endless delays .
    hope it helps .
    Hi Talash
    If I file my new labor and I-140 will I lose my old priority dates

    08-16 05:09 PM
    My wife has a ITN number. Can she use the ITN number to start work and then cut over to the SSN once she gets it. I have heard it may take up to a month to get this processed.

    06-25 07:59 AM
    So we can apply for an EAD and AP renewal when the time comes on our own?
    Also is AC-21 filing involved in this case?
    And would my current employer need to do anything or need to not do anything?
